[原創] [TVB] Prison Break 逃 第一季 [101-114] 英粵繁(雙語) TVmpgII to RMVB 512X384
7g http://news.idsam.com/ 新聞組: bt.tv.hk
o3 完檔朋友,請做3-5小時種,連續3天,我便滿意
`yiC=$*[ [原創]已苦,証明也煩,ii@BT精神.襟
0l pUYM}&dX [節目名稱] [TVB] Prison Break 逃
l'[A?%L%{ [ 類 型 ] 電視連續劇
<vV_%uoM [語音文字] 英粵繁(雙語)
v,@F|c?_S [ 格 式 ] TVmpgII to RMVB
VX>p [畫面圖元] 512X384
jgv`>o%<W [影像壓縮] 5000K/s
nz]&a1"& [ 清 晰 ] 高
UL$}{2N,_ [ 音 質 ] 高
fyknP)21I [檔案大小] 每集約140-160MB
S\i@s_ XvTCK>1 (Z]HX@"{J Prison Break
3SttHu0X Allen 逃 5 Sep 2006 at 10:35p.m.
p4!:]0c aB~S?.l 由美國型男Wentworth Miller主演的新劇《逃》,講述他飾演的Michael因兄長Lincoln被判死刑而入獄,企圖拯救哥哥。為救被冤枉的哥哥,Michael不惜搶劫一家銀行,從而令自己被關進與Lincoln同一所監獄─Fox River州立監獄。作為一名建築工程師,擁有高智商、高學歷的他以創新另類的方法,把盬獄的建築藍圖「帶在身上」,希望在死刑執行前,與Lincoln雙雙逃出生天。到底他的計劃會否成功?
+Vb8f["+- Ifc]K? In the yard, Michael and Westmoreland square off in a game of checkers. Michael's intelligent play earns praise from Westmoreland. Michael hints to Westmoreland about his plan to escape. Westmoreland chuckles, “Three days inside and he's already thinking about turning rabbit.” Westmoreland tells Michael that there are more immediate pressures to worry about; racial tension is dividing the prison population and the pot threatens to boil over soon. [attachment=37248]
R%Y`=pK>} \3f&7wU 另有關同類逃獄劇情電影
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