[Beverley Mitchell]《Beverley Mitchell》[MP3/51MB]
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rP{U-` 7x>^ip"7 专辑介绍: 3~Fag1Hp >!s<JKhI During breaks in productions from "7th Heaven", Beverley Mitchell frequently traveled to Nasville where she co-wrote and recorded songs for this debut album. From songs about standing up for what you believe in to bittersweet ballads about life and loss, this album has something for every country music fan. %aMC[i G~(\N?2 专辑曲目: R2a99# J {.AN4 1. Heaven on Earth Down Here YW&K,)L@ dhLR#m30T 2. Rolling Down Sonora Avenue e1h7~ j lGWz 3. Walkin' 6',Hs ox&?`DO 4. Dream Like We're Gonna Live Forever RH<2f5-sC! =Q<7[ 5. What Am I Doing Here so$(-4(E O ?{aJ#w 6. Black Is Black 03v& k df@N V Ld 7. Nothin' 'Bout Nothin' l~o!(rpX gMF6f% 8. Angel TmLCmy! |e2s\?nB0S 9. You Didn't Kiss Me y,|2hrj/0E 76@W:L*J$J 10. Good Girls