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级别: 普通人



VARIEITY ;B !p4 hu  
Triangle U ]7;K>.T  
Posted: Thurs., May 17, 2007, 4:00am PTTit Samgok (Hong Kong - China) "jf_xZ$H-  
A Media Asia Distribution (in Hong Kong)/Beijing Polybona Film Distribution Co. (in China) release of a Milkyway Image (HK), Media Asia Films (Hong Kong)/Beijing Polybona (China) presentation of a Milkyway Image production, in association with Film Workshop. (International sales: Dreamachine, London/Paris.) Produced by Tsui Hark, Ringo Lam, Johnnie To. Directed by Tsui Hark, Ringo Lam, Johnnie To. Associate director, Soi Cheang. Screenplay, "Half Leisure," Kenny Kan (for Tsui); Sharon Chung (for Lam); Yau Nai-hoi, Au Kin-yee, Yip Tin-shing (for To). y Z)-=H  
With: Louis Koo, Simon Yam, Sun Honglei, Lam Ka-tung, Kelly Lin, Yao Yung, Lam Suet, Kate Yeung, Li Haitao, Chan Ho-sai. :`c@&WF8  
(Cantonese, Mandarin dialogue) U|b)Bw<P  
S 0ReT*I  
Three Hong Kong cult helmers play pass-the-parcel in "Triangle," a seriocomic crimer by Tsui Hark, Ringo Lam and Johnnie To that's a diverting, sometimes head-scratching experiment that will mostly chime with Asian movie buffs rather than satisfy general auds as a single, homogenous pic. A continuous narrative that roughly falls into three segments, each strongly marked by its director's individual style, pic will garner fest and ancillary action on strength of the powerhouse lineup of names. But theatrical fortunes look more moderate compared with their solo works. =7EkN% V:{  
Idea of a story being handed on to the next director to develop and film separately sprang from Tsui, who'd known Lam and To since their times together at Hong Kong web TVB 30 years ago. Tsui finally set the ball rolling with his initial seg, shot late last summer, with Lam taking up the story in December, and To wrapping the yarn during January-February this year. Gaps in shooting were partly caused by the availability of the actors, most of whom appear throughout the picture. 8Y_lQfJa  
Individual segs, each about 30-35 minutes, aren't signposted or attributed -- stemming from a desire for the pic to be seen as a communal work -- but for anyone who knows the trio's signature styles, it's pretty clear who did what. Younger cult helmer Soi Cheang acted as "associate director," mostly coordinating for Tsui and (a little) for Lam. *;l[|  
In rapid-fire fashion typical of Tsui, funky cabbie Fai (Louis Koo), indebted husband Bo-sam (Simon Yam) and Mainlander antiques dealer Mok (Sun Honglei) are introduced -- three drinking buddies all desperate to score a big payday. They initially plan to take part in the robbery of a jewelry store arranged by some hoods, but one night a mysterious guy offers them another deal: to retrieve a box hidden under the Hong Kong Legislative Council building that will make them richer than they ever dreamed. E)|Bl>  
Story's setup is not a little confusing, with a host of strands competing for the audience's attention. For starters, in a subplot that isn't really developed by the later scriptwriters, Bo-sam is portrayed as a very dark character who may have killed his previous wife and is plotting to murder his current one, Ling (Taiwanese actress Kelly Lin). Latter is having an affair with a cop, Wen (Lam Ka-tung), who's on the tail of all the crims. tF\_AvL_8  
The robbery ends in chaos but the trio manages to escape with the box. As Lam takes over the directing reins, pic's style calms down and characters start to take on some depth as they discover the box contains some ancient Tang-dynasty artifacts, including $1 million in gold coins. FH{p1_kZ=  
Relations among the trio break down as Wen tries to arrest Bo-sam, Bo-sam discovers Ling's affair with Wen, and Fai comes under suspicion for grassing on them to the cops. After a high-speed car drive and a weird, tenebrous sequence in a warehouse after Ling joins the four men -- both very typical of helmer Lam -- pic shifts gears again as Wen escapes with the gold and the others pursue him in Fai's cab. ^a$L9p(  
Final half-hour, clearly directed by To, is more blackly humorous, as the cab breaks down in the rural New Territories and all the players congregate at a waterside restaurant at night. Recalling To's own highly choreographed actioners like "The Mission," as well the inn set pieces of the late King Hu, the gold passes from hand to hand as the bullets fly and the lights go on and off. qC3PKlhv6  
Pic's passage from an antsy setup, via more character-driven drama, to an elaborately choreographed finale plays to the strengths of each director as well as being a mini-primer of their different styles. Lam and To come off most successfully, while Tsui's material seems unnecessarily complex and fussy. n]t3d  
Cast of To regulars, including Yam, Koo, Lin and (in a burbling cameo) Lam Suet seems at home, even when the holes in the plotting aren't fully covered up by smart editing and technique. Overall, pic is a varied meal that provides many passing pleasures for gourmets but may confuse average auds' palates. tBETNt7  
Camera (color, widescreen), Cheng Siu-keung; editor, David Richardson; music, Guy Zerafa, Dave Klotz; art directors, Raymond Chan, Tony Yu; costume designers, Stanley Cheung, William Feng; sound designer (Dolby Digital), Martin Chappell; visual effects supervisor, Stephen Ma. Reviewed at Cannes Film Festival (noncompeting), May 17, 2007. Running time: 100 MIN
顶端 Posted: 2007-06-04 15:55 | [楼 主]
级别: 普通人



由徐克,林岭东,杜琪峰执导的影片《铁三角》庄重而不失诙谐,这是三位香港影坛名导玩的一场接龙游戏。这部极富趣味性的影片将以其构思精巧的实验性质极大地取悦亚洲电影爱好者,但其风格题材的多样性却未必能令普通观众满意。影片大致分成三个部分,但叙事技巧却能保持其联贯性,三位导演个人风格鲜明,凭借其创作班底的豪华阵容影片将赢得影展的认可,但与三位导演各自独立执导的影片相比其票房恐怕会略为逊色。 S#\Cyn2(t  
三位导演独立执导,再以接龙的形式串成一部影片的念头源自徐克,早在三十年前的香港TVB电视台他便于林岭东和杜琪峰熟识。徐克于去年夏末率先开拍,林岭东则于12月继续接棒,而杜琪峰则于今年1-2月份完成拍摄。影片拍摄的空档部分是由演员档期造成的,他们中的大多数在影片中贯穿全场。 IpVtbDW  
三个部分每部分长约30-35分钟,尽管为了保持影片风格的统一性,三部分之间并没有刻意设置标识,但对于熟悉三位导演个人风格的观众而言那些片段由谁执导一目了然。青年导演郑宝瑞作为本篇的副导演也有参与,他主要负责协助徐克,也有部分协助林岭东。 8`q"] BQN  
影片以徐克独特的连珠炮式的方式带出主要演员出场——怯懦怕事的计程车司机彭辉(古天乐),债台高筑的穷困丈夫宝山(任达华)以及内地古董商人莫中原(孙红雷)——三个喝得酩酊大醉的落魄兄弟妄想一夜暴富。他们起初计划参与一起由黑帮策划的珠宝店的抢劫行动,但是一天晚上一个神秘人却向他们提出一笔交易:找到藏在香港立法局大楼下的盒子将会带来意想不到的巨大财富。 No]#RvEd3  
故事开头并不复杂,大量线索挑战观众感官。但接棒的编剧却并未对开头一些次要情节予以拓展。宝山被设置成一个非常神秘的形象——他有可能杀害了他的前妻并可能正密谋杀害他的现任妻子玲(台湾女演员林熙蕾),玲则与警察文(林家栋)有染,而文则紧盯着三兄弟的动向。 .3xf!E*  
抢劫行动一团糟,但三兄弟却带着盒子逃跑成功。当林岭东接手执导后,影片风格趋于和缓。当他们发现盒子里竟装有一些唐代文物,包括价值100万美元的金币时,各个角色开始向纵深发展. qnw8#!%I  
随着文开始意图逮捕宝山,宝山发现玲与文的奸情以及众人猜疑阿辉向警方告密这一系列事件,三人关系最终破裂。一场飞车追逐戏,玲与四个男人在一座货仓里会合后接连运用的怪异连续镜头——这都是典型的林岭东风格——之后文带着宝物逃跑,而其他人则乘坐阿辉的计程车穷追不舍,由此,影片风格再次转为激烈。 +)7h)uq  
影片的最后半小时显然出自杜琪峰之手,充满黑色幽默。计程车在新界乡间抛锚,一伙人都聚集在了水边的一个小酒馆里。与杜琪峰《枪火》里的招牌动作设计如出一辙,小酒馆的场景颇有胡金铨的风格,子弹飞舞,灯光明灭,宝物在众人手里辗转来去。 kyUG+M  
影片开端奇峰迭起,经由众多角色推动剧情,直至精心设计的结局在显示各个导演独特风格的同时也是他们各自实力的完美展示。林岭东和杜琪峰的部分最为成功,而徐克所给出的线索未免过于繁琐凌乱。 uHyc7^X>  
顶端 Posted: 2007-06-04 15:57 | 1 楼
级别: 新人



顶端 Posted: 2007-06-04 16:03 | 2 楼
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