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 A great way to save laptop batteries

:xk+`` T  
To all of our friends, if you are using a laptop and your battery does not charge, you can use the directions below to save you battery. : . PRM+  
1.    Take out your battery. =R)w=ce  
2.    Put the battery into a plastic bag. (make sure the plastic bag is waterproof) h:i FLSf  
3.    Then put it into the freezer and freeze it for at least 12 hours. Bm  4$  
4.    Then put the battery in a clean area for at least 24 hours. Sa@T#%oU  
5.    Wipe the battery until it is dry, then charge the battery.. X|C=Q   
ATTENTION: I have tried it before and it has successfully restored the battery to charging mode. K{:[0oIHc  
Js^(mRv =  
顶端 Posted: 2006-07-27 10:58 | [楼 主]
级别: 普通人



is it true?
顶端 Posted: 2006-07-29 21:18 | 1 楼
级别: 新人



Only if your battery doen't take a charge, there is nothing to lose. 6 A]a@,PC  
如果你的电池不冲电坏了, 你不妨一试.
顶端 Posted: 2006-08-01 00:33 | 2 楼
级别: 新人



如果真的壞了,亦可一試, 謝謝
顶端 Posted: 2006-08-02 10:38 | 3 楼
级别: 新人



顶端 Posted: 2006-08-07 17:28 | 4 楼
级别: 新人



顶端 Posted: 2006-08-18 00:46 | 5 楼
级别: 普通人



顶端 Posted: 2006-08-26 12:57 | 6 楼
级别: 新人



I heard that before, thanks
顶端 Posted: 2006-08-29 01:40 | 7 楼
级别: 新人



下面引用第 6 楼jack_hew2006-08-26 12:57发表的“”: ZiH4s|  
DuQ:82 3b  
:2{ [f+  
本人已经试过, 保证不爆炸. lL'K1%{+ \  
本人是在一本电脑杂志 Popular Science 四月份 2006 英文版是在第八十页看到的. 1o   
下面是原文: T Q {8 ee{  
Resurrect a Dead Laptop kY~yA2*G  
Got a four- or five-year-old PC laptop you’ve dismissed as useless? Bring it back to life with these tips, then use it as a spare Web and e-mail station in the kitchen or kids’ room "MOmJYH  
By Kirk Steers >4T7D My  
: f RGXrn  
PC Revival 6HVGqx  
Cost: $0-$260 V5I xZn%  
Easy | | | | | Hard !6s]p%{V  
kN vNV(4  
  * Start by checking the health of your hardware with a free diagnostic program such as #1-Tufftest (tufftest.com). 6<n+p'+n  
  * If the motherboard or screen is shot, forget it. Replacing either one is more expensive and more hassle than buying a new system. -]Oi/i,{  
  * Lost your user manual? Try the manufacturer’s Web site. 57U;\L;ZmZ  
  * Check eBay or craigslist.org for used replacement parts. -r{]9v2j  
1. Reinstall the OS _1\H{x  
Free: The most likely reason that old machine is dragging: a bogged-down and bloated operating system. If you have the CDs, reinstall the Windows system it came with (a newer version of Windows will run sluggishly on old hardware). Otherwise, download a version of Linux—most are free and resemble Windows so closely that you’ll hardly know the difference. Linux is also less susceptible to spyware and viruses. Start with a Knoppix Live CD (knoppix.org), which runs straight from the disc, so you can try it out and learn it without deleting Windows. gLg\W3TOi  
2. Boost Memory @hOY&  
Free: Make sure that Windows Virtual Memory is on and that your hard drive isn’t chock-full. Also try adjusting Windows’s cache RAM settings using a tool such as Cacheman ($10-$25; outertech.com). bgmOX&`G  
Buy: Adding RAM is the most cost-effective way to speed up a machine, and it’s usually pretty easy. Just pop open a panel on the bottom and replace the existing module or add a second one if there’s an extra slot. Check your manual to find out the maximum RAM your laptop can take and what type you need, then buy it at crucial.com. 7q^a@5f BG  
3. Get a New Drive 79M` ?xm  
Free: Run Windows’s built-in hard-drive utilities such as (in Windows 98) Scandisk, Disk Defragmenter, System File Checker and Disk Clean Up, found under Start>Programs> Accessories>System>Tools. If you are reinstalling an OS, erase (reformat) the drive first. ! AL?bW  
Buy: Hard drives are typically simple to get at and replace, and a 40-gigabyte 2.5-inch (laptop-size) drive can be had for less than $100. To reinstall an operating system, insert a Windows or Linux system CD and start up from it by following the onscreen instructions. d8f S79  
4. Save the Battery Sj4@pMh4  
Free: Remove the battery and clean all the electrical contacts with a dry swab. Then try completely draining it and recharging it four or five times in a row. If that doesn’t help, place it in a freezer in a plastic bag for 12 hours. Remove it, wipe off any condensation, and let it sit for 12 to 24 hours before performing more charge/discharge cycles. LoS%  FI  
Buy: If you’ve lost the power adapter, replace it with a universal one, such as Belkin’s Universal 70W AC ($80; belkin.com), that works with other gadgets. &)Iue<&2  
还有网址: http://www.popsci.com/popsci/how20/335b5ebe41ff9010vgnvcm1000004eecbccdrcrd.html
顶端 Posted: 2006-08-30 03:32 | 8 楼
级别: 新人



I have tried it and it works, thanks
顶端 Posted: 2006-08-31 01:37 | 9 楼
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