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j 片名:莫扎特 小提琴协奏曲全集 交响协奏曲
dCkk5&2n 演出:慕特 贝许梅 伦敦交响乐团
amH..D7_> 公司:DG
q2C._{ 0' 编号:00289 477 5925
[:(^n0% 类型:CD
O#962\ 定 价: 210元
MF["-GvP/ 专辑说明
j"c30AY o)pso\; WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART(1756-1791)
]1(G:h\ The Concertos for Violin and Orchestra
@XL5$k[Y Die Konzerte fur Violine und Orchester
cq,0?2R`t Les Concertos pour violon
^*=.Vuqy O>H'ok
COMPACT DISC 1 [69'23]
^$I8ga 1-3 Concerto no.2 in D major, K.211
_rU%DL? 4-6 Concerto no.1 in B flat major, K.207
X|w[:[P 7-9 Concerto no.5 in A major, K.219
#WT 8A ;)5! COMPACT DISC 2 [79'30]
H<`<5M 8 1-3 Concerto no.4 in D major, K.218
-x?I6>{ 4-6 Concerto no.3 in G major, K.216
byTTLs,}d 7-9 Sinfonia concertante, K/364
-]K9sy)I b,Vg3BS ANNE-SOPHIE MUTTER, violin and conductor
.!pr0/9B YURI BASHMET, viola(K.364)
q/lQEfR London Philharmonic Orchestra
@ysc?4% q /:OSql5K*< In 2006 Anne-Sophie Mutter celebrates Mozart's 250th anniversary - as well as her own 30th anniversary of performing - with this superb new recording of the complete Violin Concertos. The two discs also include the glorious Sinfonia concertante,in which she's joined by Yuri Bashmet.From her debut with Herbert von Karajan when Mutter was only thirteen,Mozart has always been present in her life:"I've never stopped thinking about him -he's the composer I have grown up with,who was always there waiting for me at every juncture of my career."
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?# A3|hFk 简介:为了纪念莫扎特两百五十周年冥诞,慕特录制一系列莫扎特小提琴作品专辑。在这一套全新的录音里,慕特要带给大家与二十多年前卡拉扬时期不一样的莫扎特。
:ENdF `nC . h7`Q{ 慕特六岁第一次听到哈丝姬儿演奏的莫扎特时,就深深被音乐中轻盈自然的流动性所吸引,接着史坦与葛罗米欧的录音更让慕特对于莫扎特的小提琴作品神往不已。慕特认为,现代小提琴家诠释的莫扎特缺乏优雅、纯洁与端庄朴素的感觉,年轻音乐家对于莫扎特作品的态度则过于轻忽,认为莫扎特的作品太过简单,没有任何炫人的技术而不屑演出。「莫扎特的作品就像X光一样,可以穿透你的灵魂。」慕特说。透过莫扎特的音乐,演奏者最真实的内在往往会无法抑制的完全曝露出来。
tr t^o EDf"1b{PX 诠释上,慕特追求的感觉就像唱片封面上所呈现的素雅、精致、细腻但是不脱华丽的感觉。慕特在这套唱片还同时扮演了「领导者」的角色,没有指挥,而是由乐团跟着她要的音乐风格与效果一起创造属于慕特的莫扎特。
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