Artist: Bloc Party
JS4pJe\q Album: Silent Alarm
"_^FRz#h Year: 2005
49CMRO,T 3 . @W.GG8 Tracks
(C!fIRY 1. Like Eating Glass
(Az^st/_ 2. Helicopter
5<u+2x8| 3. Positive Tension
I++!F,pB 4. Banquet
d;>:<{z@CD 5. Blue Light
k;%}%"EVZ 6. She's Hearing Voices
)2a!EEHz 7. This Modern Love
rh+OgKi 8. Pioneers
Y$N|p{Z 9. Price of Gas
QnN[d6 10. Little Thoughts
X:DHz0S 11. So Here We Are
P)T:6K 12. Luno
3vy5JTCz~ 13. Plans
)%Y$FLB 14. Compliments
<#c2Hg%jh fUa`YryQ A UK Band, the whole album worth a listening to. Enjoy.
A/'G.H bo]k9FC EMH

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