【檔案大小】 : 310MB
'4 d4i 【影片格式】 : HDTV-MP4-720P(1280x720)
q{G8Po$z' 【發音語言】 : 粵語配音
~-NSIV:f 【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕
w:nH_x#C4 U]+I P;YS 節目簡介:
P7T'.|d cQxUEY('+ In this series, Steve Backshall investigates the dinosaurs which once roamed the Earth. This episode, he looks into four different deadly dinosaurs including the Argentinosaurus, Diplodocus, Patagotitan, and Carcharodontosaurus. Witness as he visits his Jurassic junkyard to conduct a strange experiment using horse manure, learns how to whip like a Diplodocus, rebuilds a Patagotitan with fire engines, and more.
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