}}4uLGu) So}pA2[0 中文名:绿门之后
,o [FUi(#@ 外文名:Behind the Green Door
t7,** $ST 类 型:剧情
(%*~5%l\ 制片地区:美国
km6O3>p5r 导 演:Artie Mitchell / Jim Mitchell
M~g@y$ 主 演:玛丽琳·钱伯斯 George S. MacDonald 、Johnny Keyes
6Q}>=R^h 片 长:72 分钟
]t_ Wl1*| 上映时间:1972年12月17日
*!`bC@E 对白语言:英语
v'SqH,=d <P-AlHYV- Description: Two men enter a fast food place. The owner asks them about a mysterious matter. After some considerations,
a!;CY1> one of the two guys accepts to tell the story. Here starts a long flashback: the two men are in a terrace, next to a lake,
[.nkNda5)v and one is telling the other a story. A woman sits at a table nearby. Later the same woman is kidnapped.
L.%zs When the blindfold is removed, a woman welcomes her. After a relaxing massage, she is accompanied by 6 women, into a stage,
WM GiV in front of masked men, and women of all kinds. A speaker explains that the woman will be pleased, by all means. The 6 women first,
qex::Qf and later some men make love to her, while the audience progressively move into a orgy. This is the end of the flashback.
jN!sLW The owner of the fast food place asks what happened after that time, but the men refuse to tell.
/D;cm CiIIlE4 叙述一个年轻女子遭受绑架,被卖到一家怪异的*情俱乐部接受训练,然后像*奴隶般在观众面前表演各式各样的*爱奇观,结果她却陶醉其中获得了自身的解放。
s"X0Jx} 片中充满了许多禁忌的*幻想【www.canton8.com不良信息过滤】仪式,包括女主角被一群拉拉修女夹击围攻,身穿紧身衣显露巨大敏感词的黑人,还有三个马戏团的高空秋千表演者。
[q(}~0{"- 最让人惊讶的一幕是,其中一位秋千表演者对着女主角口中喷射而出时,竟然以慢动作重复捕捉还加上特殊效果,真的是媲美山姆·佩金法技法的腥膻芭蕾*情美学啊!
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