引用第5楼zmclive于2007-10-12 15:10发表的: N)0
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P!Mz5QZ+ Lh M{d sorry, the computer i used in my company i work for doesn't allow people install any other langurge input methor. so i can only type in english when i'm working.
BwN>;g_ -XSu;'4q
i really want to "blow water" when i'm boring. so, please forgive me. i do type in chinese when i'm home.
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#IQz_ i wish this will not make any people unhappy.
I2b\[d ),K!|7#h i mean this is a "blow water" forum, all people are welcome, no matter what langurge they speak. am i right?
-/s2' k?Bc^7l: i love this site, but if you don't want me to input english, that's fine too.