引用第3楼simon_leung于2007-11-02 22:49发表的: b;A(6^V
我 都 覺 得 相 愛 就 要 排 除 萬 難 喺 埋 一 齊 ! 不 過 咁 樣 有 時 壓 力 會 好 大 ...
~\<aj(m(| ?VaWOwWI it's posible, but very hard. both of you have to trust each other, NO MATTER WHAT!
ZUPlMHc .93B@u 7 years ago, when i leave china to USA, my gf she was in HK, we kept very good relationship for 2 years...
j+YA/54` however, we couldn't end up together.
J0K25w &
l make up your mind! good luck!