miPmpu! 专辑名称:Off The Radar
Q<dba12 歌手姓名:Ally Kerr
/=bSt 唱片公司:Much Obliged
U8E0~[y' 发行日期:2008年4月xx日
aN8 专辑流派:Indie/Pop
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V 专辑介绍:
.6LS+[ Il|GCj*N Glasgow's Ally Kerr does a nice line in pop songs and "Off the
_'&k#Q Radar" provides us with the opportunity to enjoy 12 more of
Vw7WK his little pop masterpieces.
B+|IZoR 3zbXAR* Opening the album is "Could Have Been a Contender" - all
L+7*NaPY* polished pop perfection that brings back memories of the
)mj<{Td` jaunty hits of the Housemartins and their catalogue of
$+ intelligent and catchy songs. "I Think I'm Bleeding" has an
kw3+>{\ underlying country flavour to it. Whilst once again presented
ad9EG#mD# as a happy little song, there is more than a touch of
Mg+4huT bitterness in his words. Funnily enough, the rather twee "The
Rw/Ciw2@? Toothbrush Song" would also make a quality country song due to
N_0pO<<cs its dry lyrics even if a cowboy would feel the need to
'w:bs! accompany such emotions with bourbon rather than sparkling
KLW&bJ$|j mineral water.
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