2000年 哥斯拉大战超翔龙
=2GKv7q$x, 产品名称: Godzilla VS Megaguirus (Hong Kong Version) 哥斯拉大戰超翔龍 (香港版) 哥斯拉大战超翔龙 (香港版) Godzilla VS Megaguirus (Hong Kong Version) Godzilla VS Megaguirus (Hong Kong Version)
<`vXyPA6 艺人名称: Yuriko Hoshi (演员) | Tanaka Misato (演员) | Tanihara Shosuke (演员) | Ibu Masato (演员) 星由里子 (演员) | 田中美里 (演员) | 谷原章介 (演员) | 伊武雅刀 (演员) 星由里子 (演员) | 田中美里 (演员) | 谷原章介 (演员) | 伊武雅刀 (演员) Yuriko Hoshi (演员) | Tanaka Misato (演员) | 谷原章介 (演员) | 伊武雅刀 (演员) Yuriko Hoshi (演员) | Tanaka Misato (演员) | Tanihara Shosuke (演员) | Ibu Masato (演员)
=<66 推出日期: 2006-08-11
!0zcS7&P 语言: 粤语, 日本语
4>L*7i 字幕: 繁体中文, 简体中文
HX| p4-L 制作来源地: 日本
L6nsVL& 屏幕比例: 720X400/1024X410
音效资料: Dolby Digital, Hi-Fi Stereo
H*<E5^#dw 影碟格式: rmvb/MKV
[>p!*%m 片长: 106 (分钟)
EJ1g^|" 出品商: Universe Laser (HK)
_,K[kVn 內容:
@oxIXN 导演∶手冢昌明
[Nm?qY 4x+[?fw 哥斯拉破坏日本多年,〈G对策总部〉发明黑洞炮对付。但实验出意外,引来古代巨大昆虫超翔龙重现,并攻击哥斯拉。日本成了哥斯拉、超翔龙及人类三方的战场。
OMjPC_ 6 A]a@,PC Godzilla has destroyed the cities in Japan for years. "G-War headquarter" is set up and invents a super power called Black Hole Bomb to bombard Godzilla. However, they encounter an unexpected problem during the experiment, that leads to the resurrection of an ancient giant bug Megaguirus which fights against Godzilla for energy. Japan, a state of despair, becomes a battlefield among Godzilla, Megaguirus and human...
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