本页主题: The Dears : Missiles[Indie][181Kbps avg][75M] 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

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 The Dears : Missiles[Indie][181Kbps avg][75M]

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专辑名称:Missiles dA)4(0o8fD  
歌手姓名:The Dears UW/3{2  
唱片公司:Dangerbird 2]NAs9aZ  
发行日期:2008年10月21日 ]X: rby$  
专辑流派:Indie 03QEXm~|Q  
推荐指数:4星 8<-oJs_o+  
专辑介绍: mrhp)yF  
The story of The Dears began in Montreal, Canada in the late 90s, spurred on by (as quoted by their official web site) "cigarettes, pints and too many nights of overanalyzing Smiths records." However for most purposes, the real start of the band would be in April 2000, when native Montreal resident and the one original band member Murray Lightburn, hit the stage at Lee’s Palace in Toronto flanked by a band of new recruits. The band had just released its low key debut album, 'End Of A Hollywood Bedtime Story' and they played to a crowd of approximately 20. However after word spread, the next time they played the same venue a year or so later, it was a full house. The band line-up has changed again since then, but still headed by Lightburn, they have come up with a fantastic (and rather easier to find) second album. This is an extremely powerful follow-up too, and one that the band says sums up their "ultimate culmination of unhinged onstage catharsis and studio sophistication." Indeed. But for anyone who hasn't heard any of their music, how can it be described? Q)6wkY+!  
Montreal, Canada's revered orchestral dark-pop outfit The BY4  R@)  
Dears have announced the release of Missiles, their fourth  6I cM:x  
studio album, on October 21st 2008. Released worldwide on ,-7/]h,l  
Dangerbird Records, home to Silversun Pickups and Sea Wolf, /s8%02S  
the album will be preceded by the single 'Money Babies' on &Ev]x2YC  
October 6th. pl#o!j(i  
近年在傳媒所謂的Canadian Wave當中崛起的The Dears。來自加拿大蒙特利爾的Indie-Rock樂隊The Dears,因為其靈魂人物Murray Lightburn是一名黑人主唱、擁有一把感人的嗓音,於是乎外界便實行把Marvin Gaye和The Smiths拿來把他們作相提並論。前作No Cities Left讓他們走上國際舞台,成為Canadian Wave不可多得的一員。 `F2*o47|t  
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2004年,The Dears在加拿大本土的Juno Awards被提名為「最佳新晉組合」,同期又被NME點名為「可能是世上的最佳新晉樂隊」。諷刺的是,The Dears的首張專輯End Of A Hollywood Bedtime Story,其實是2000年的出品,甚至乎樂隊本身乃早在1995年已經組成。 moVa'1ul  
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由此說明,The Dears得以備受矚目,轉捩點是其第二張專輯No Cities Left在2004年面世的時候。這隊在加拿大蟄伏多時的樂隊,在當年終告出人頭地、衝出加國。 tT* W5  
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近年擁有一位黑人歌手的白人Indie-Rock樂團,大抵大家會聯想到去年鋒芒畢露的Bloc Party。然而有別於Bloc Party的Kele Okerero那麼狂放的Post-Punk主唱姿態,The Dears的Murray Lightburn在其感情豐富的演繹下,總予人一種內斂得近乎詩人歌手的氣質,連他筆下的歌曲也賦予著一份文學色彩。 fa4951_  
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美麗淡然而情感豐富(但又並非濫情),這是何解The Dears可以在當今的Indie Rock族群中別樹一幟。 kg?T$}O  
曲目列表: 7/&C;"  
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1.Disclaimer 5"}y\  
2.Dream Job $ o5V$N D  
3.Money Babies T^'*_*m  
4.Berlin Heart vz yNc'  
5.Lights Off !qTpQ5Dm  
6.Crisis 1 & 2 n~,]KdU]  
7.Demons z^P* :  
8.Missiles yul<n>X|  
9.Meltdown 0r0\b*r  
附件: the dears-missiles-(advance).torrent (19 K) 下载次数:0 [种子详情]
顶端 Posted: 2008-09-20 14:20 | [楼 主]
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