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专辑名称:Slick Dogs And Ponies
JBY.er`6C 歌手姓名:Louis XIV
8maWF.xq 唱片公司:Atlantic
(E 发行日期:2008年01月29日
Yjoe| 专辑流派:Rock
%+*=Vr 推荐指数:★★★★
?L<B]!9HZt 'i+L 专辑介绍:
|=;hQ2HyF Most artists are content to stick with the formula they're known for,changing as much (or as little) as they think they can get away without Louis XIV are not most artists. In fact, on their new album Slick Dogs and Ponies, the San Diego based quartet have headed into new sonic terrain,fearlessly overcoming the obstacles they experienced in creating this
&nEL}GM)E collection of songs. It's a bigger, bolder, more ambitious record that conjoins seduction and coercion as much as it is an invitation to a world of sonic abandon where angelic choirs, celestial strings and even swarming bees join the band thrilling, new millennium take on classic rock.
>)M{^ O3 sV) 曲目列表:
LS~at.3zX 01. Guilt By Association
}40T'y 02. Air Traffic Control
_xKn2 ?d8g 03. Misguided Sheep
NQ{(G8x9 04. There's A Traitor In This Room
Sa g)}6+ 05. Sometimes You Just Want To
U[wx){[| 06. Tina
@^| [J
_4 07. Stalker
-6[DQB 08. Free Won't Be What Used To Be
hYoUZ'4 09. Swarming Of The Bees
&y!?R$?b 10. Hopesick
Cac 11. Slick Dogs And Ponies