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1yB;"q&Xd 专辑名称:10 Years Strong
x>8f#B\Mr 歌手姓名:Heiruspecs
A[ iPs9 唱片公司:N/A
[S4\fy0 发行日期:2008年01月19日
DpS6>$v8t 专辑流派:Hiphop
ygfqP 推荐指数:★★★★
R-Fi`#PG2 ?3Jh{F_+ 专辑介绍:
}"&(sYQ*` Greatest hits of the Heiruspecs. Minny reppin. Avoid the rocks off lake street! Them shits soap and bread crumbs.
pWx3l5)R I(<G;ft<} 曲目列表:
*i?qOv/=> 01.Some From None
ai`:HhE 02.Hardline
\34|9#*z- 03.Movement
/MU<)[*Ro 04.Miclife
H0(zE*c~ 05.State Of The Union
0 j.Sb2 06.If You Like This
Ksp;bfe 07.Dollar
|"-,C}O 08.Dedication
a,4g`? 09.Life As A Superhero
5,c` 10.Hip-Hop Nerdism
LuqaGy}>- 11.Madison Introductions
" /'=gE 12.Respecting Women
I>5@s; 13.Meters
LX fiSM{o 14.Quarter Notes
JgB# EoF 15.Bright Lights
7?%Hg 16.5ves
qC4-J)8Wk 17.War Drums
;gMh]$|" 18.Not You
.;:xx~G_Q 19.Guns and Knives
>" .qFn g 20.I Know