[納米+RF盘][S-Files_SWChina联合出品][金刚狼与X战警动画版Season1 16] RMVB
K"G(?<>~4c ?F!W# [影片名称]:[S-Files_SWChina联合出品][金刚狼与X战警动画版Se01 16]
y K=S!7p\ [格式]: RMVB
N.k+AQb [大小]:98mb
+0SW ?#% [来源]:S-Files_SWChina联合出品
pEJ#ad [语言/字幕]:英语/中文字幕
yr (g~MQ [影片长度]:21分
"@aq@mY@ [图片预览]:
8x`Kl( ,q/tyGj 77 *v-8c 内容介绍:一场突如其来的神秘爆炸摧毁了X学院,X教授与Jean Gray失踪。
]gjr+GV 镭射眼因此而意志消沉,领队的责任落在了野性的金刚狼的肩上。
6j?FRs 除了万磁王等一干强大敌人,金刚狼的过去也如幽魂般困扰着他。
p`pg5R ZKZl>dDuh 20年后,X教授从昏迷中醒来,看到的是一幅末日景象:
<e$5~Spc 巨大的机器人统治了世界,人类与变种人都濒临灭绝。
q.U*X5 X教授借助脑波机向现代的X战警传达指示:改变未来,拯救世界!
k{zs578h2 p3{x <AO/ 事件的背后隐密着怎样的真相?
5F% h>tqh 不请自来的白皇后又有何目的?
fpI;`s 金刚狼能否率领X战警力挽狂澜?
rwasH,+ 请观赏MARVEL动画《金刚狼与X战警》! After three blockbuster movies, the incredible journey of the X-Men continues! The story picks up after an explosion shatters the lives of the X-Men, robbing them of their mentor, Professor X. The X-Men have no choice but to walk away from it all, until Wolverine catches a glimpse into the future and sees a world that has spiralled out of control. Now, it’s up to Wolverine to reunite the X-Men and lead the way toward a better and brighter future for humans and mutants alike!
6yy|V~5 .ou!g&xu http://www.namipan.com/d/Wolverine.And.The.X-Men.Season1.EP16_S-Files.rmvb/ce79062abd690e3c5f0ac40bd64b7038d3281dff0ad6e505 A!Knp=Gw H^]Nmd8Q) http://www.rayfile.com/files/28a9b96b-9948-11de-a989-0014221b798a/