l{<@[foc C`fQ` RL\ 01. 希望(I hope you will understand) - "**故事 3"
/wQDcz 02. 谜(The Riddle) - "**故事 3"
7y1$ 03. March from the project A2 - "A计划 2"
*p"%cas 04. Project A2 (take 2) - "A计划 2"
NOvN8.K% 05. Tribal Drums - "龙兄虎弟"
i]P]o) 06. theme From The Police Story - "香港国际**"
)/UkJ/}j 07. Prelude From The Protectors(序曲)
1'ZBtX~A 08. Power On(效果音乐)
N)QW$iw9 09. Dragon Road
&W1cc#( 10. kungfusion(拳法混乱)
L!\I>a5C0G 11. Miracle Guy(少林寺木人拳)
=7a9~&| 12. Project A(A计划)
*cf#:5Nl 13. Spartan X
G=DRz F 14. Dangerous Eyes(蛇鹤八拳)
L~\Ir 15. The Cannonball(台词、效果音乐)
BvN*LQ 16. theme From The Young Master(师弟出马)
T 17. Lesson Of Kung-Fu(蛇拳)
V[#jrwhA 18. Crazy monkey(笑拳)
)gZ yW
WHL@]^E@m 成龙.1995 -《JACKIE CHAN》日本版 [WAV]+[MP3].zip JMXCyDy;