C=uZ1xg*, RUCPV[{b 专辑名称:Fragile People
IdIrI 唱片公司:Red Hammer Records
^1:U'jIXO 发行日期:March 20, 2007
d1!i(MaV! 专辑流派:Rock
3$vRW.c\q 推荐指数:★★★☆
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%> t3Z_Dp~\ 专辑介绍:
in<Rq"L o01kYBD SONSOFDAY is a four-piece alternative rock band formed in 2005 by Roman Bellos, and his three brothers, Vlad, Bogdan, and Scottie. SOD was discovered by Darren Bowls of Red Hammer Records in the spring of 2006, and began recording their first two radio singles “This Place” and “Reconcile” for the label during the summer of 2006. Fragile People is their first full length CD offering an internationally laced rock sound that is fresh and original, yet mainstream.
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SOD’s desire is to express their music as real life, authentic, and human, a true reflection of who they are as people. Band or fan, life’s joys and difficulties are the same to both. To quote “Fragile People” the title track from SOD’s new CD release, “We're fragile people, we hurt sometimes - We don’t know where to go.” We all walk through life’s journey searching for our purpose whether a rich man or a beggar. Their journey started on a different continent, a place where God was not allowed and where people suffered for their beliefs in Christ. Their musical perspective is a unique one, with one foot set in America and another set in Europe, with an ocean of culture between them. For them another day is starting in America, a day in which they hope to share a little piece of themselves with those who will listen. “Our secret plan is to inspire our listeners to pursue their dreams, their America, and ultimately God. Music is our picture, our experiences of love, loss, joy, pain, family, humanity, and the discovery of God’s gift to us, Christ. We hope you enjoy this small piece of our lives.”
*5sBhx n}A\2bO 曲目列表:
l5Y/Ok0, nfb]VN~( 01. This Place
f:zFFpP.j@ 02. Reconcile
,3v+PIcMM+ 03. Greatest Love
G{aT2c 04. Fragile People
_TR 05. Left Without A Goodbye
s57N) 0kP 06. Why
sGY_{CZ: 07. Try To Forget
NT%W;)6m9 08. Getaway
IUGz =%[ 09. Riches And Wine
UX`]k{Mz 10. Another Day
EG'[`<*h 11. Oceans Deep