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$3| z 2?- 07 g uO@3vY',n 【專輯歌手】: HOYO-MiX
IAF;mv}' 【專輯名稱】: 原神-遙古喁望之陽 Eternal Sun, Eternal Want
| 【發行日期】: 2024-12-16
RF~Ofi 【唱片公司】: 上海米哈遊網絡科技股份有限公司
MiH}VfI 【專輯語言】: 斯瓦希里语
|4S?>e 【檔案大小】: 205MB
?Wg{oB@( 【音樂格式】: MP3
N1N{Ol' 【音樂品質】: 320K CBR
1i /::4= 【存放空間】: KF + CT
*Ht*)l? 【失連時間】: 免空期限
l!?/M =Y/fF 【專輯介紹】: N^
PN"8 Y 《原神》第二張納塔篇OST《遙古喁望之陽 Eternal Sun, Eternal Want》正式上線,專輯分為《高崖與深谷的漫歌 Canto General of Cliff and Glen》、《天蛇與七火的回響 Echo of Tonatiuh and Uctokah》與《焚天的交燹 A Fiery Cross Across the Sky》3張分碟,共收錄53首由HOYO-MiX音樂團隊為《原神》納塔地區創作的原聲音樂。
sCtw30BL /}$T38 【專輯曲目】: xshArJ&
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1 HOYO-MiX - 一別如羽 As the Feather Falls
r%F(?gKXkd HOYO-MiX - 千載云已去 Cloud of Thirteen Katuns
]A]Ft!`6z HOYO-MiX - 山鳴谷應 Mountain's Hymn
89 HOYO-MiX - 幻象中的慰撫 Comfort in Visions
yS)-&t!; HOYO-MiX - 木樨旁的舊憶 Tanyolche's Memories
:'y{dbKp" HOYO-MiX - 圣律桓桓 Indisputable Commandments
x*h `VS(?6 HOYO-MiX - 如歌的秘數 Choir's Cypher
M U?{?5 HOYO-MiX - 妄執的冷燼 Ashes of Presumption
=@JS88+ HOYO-MiX - 何日之夢 A Dream Yet to Come
sIS. HOYO-MiX - 灼夜之淚 Tears of a Scorching Night
4e+BqCriC* HOYO-MiX - 夜誕的花冠 Night's Crown of Flowers
Z .bit_( HOYO-MiX - 奉熾火以希望 Tumaini washa moto
sq~+1(X HOYO-MiX - 泛羽流月 Feathered Moonlight
ESD<8OR HOYO-MiX - 空余殘暉 Afterglow of the Sky
W(2+z5 z HOYO-MiX - 芳草染夕煙 Malinalco's Dusk
!@pV)RUv7 HOYO-MiX - 幽室泠泠 Dripping Gloom
=! N _^cb HOYO-MiX - 幽愿難釋 Unanswered Yearning
<AMb!?Obh HOYO-MiX - 故年往跡 Once Upon a Time in the Vale
CZJHE> HOYO-MiX - 故行已去 Someone Walked These Paths
tE]5@b,R HOYO-MiX - 流光的箴訓 Prismatic Proverbs
w|}W(=# HOYO-MiX - 流灰地的遺聲 The Fading Voices of Cinder
,@Fgr(?'`> HOYO-MiX - 為一切戰爭的終結 To the End of All Wars
N.0HfYf HOYO-MiX - 為一座無名的墳塋 For an Unmarked Grave
%" HOYO-MiX - 風止水忘時 When the Breeze Ceases
3w/( /|0 HOYO-MiX - 浮夢終作雨 Rain of an Ancient Dream
$ZI~ 8rI~ HOYO-MiX - 淪蟄的緬憶 Hoary Hibernation
G@!_ZM8h HOYO-MiX - 淺斟的暇刻 Idle Hours
`6Ureui2? HOYO-MiX - 眾靈的迷戲 Maze of Spirits
Kc%n(,+%" HOYO-MiX - 祭星者的夢語 Starcaller's Wishes
%2Epgh4? HOYO-MiX - 造始的噩兆 Onset of Omens
8: HSPDU. HOYO-MiX - 鹿縱踏舞 Dance of the Brown Deer
s(AJkO'` HOYO-MiX - 游轉的曙色 Touring the Dawn
-BA"3 S HOYO-MiX - 舒翼乘云 All the Pretty Courses
jCTy:q] HOYO-MiX - 戢翼無歸 Wingless Wail
Fn86E dFM HOYO-MiX - 煙漫露結 Where the Mists Enshroud
cBifZv*l HOYO-MiX - 鈴鼓隨花 Bells in Bloom
xH<'GB) HOYO-MiX - 僭王的威烈 Formidable Usurper
-F"d0a, HOYO-MiX - 殞塵的黯星 Eclipsed Star
2{t)DUs HOYO-MiX - 漸落的晨曦 Fading Dawn
L1hD}J'$4 HOYO-MiX - 蒼原的巇徑 Hidden Path Above the Savannah
$ViojW> HOYO-MiX - 蒼鷲之頌 Salute of Eagles
vWU%ST HOYO-MiX - 暮火將熄 Serpent's Endgame
cQT1Xi HOYO-MiX - 暮深天靜 Hushed Canopy of Night
%Kh2E2Pe HOYO-MiX - 瞑色的歸途 Homeward Bound
T8$%9&j!UE HOYO-MiX - 瞢暗的一極 A Fragment of Night
HOYO-MiX - 隨行逐飛 Stage's Coach
?R;nL{ HOYO-MiX - 霜空曜明 Frosted Hue of Stars
Fweh =v HOYO-MiX - 舊鄉的嘆音 Sigh, the Breath of Yore
;/@?6T" HOYO-MiX - 鏡中日暖 Springtime in a Mirror
(8CCesy& HOYO-MiX - 懸風于心 Hanging in the Heart of the Wind
V@vhj R4r\ HOYO-MiX - 蘆笛的彼方 Beyond the Flute's Whispers
Abj97S HOYO-MiX - 鑄錐之刻 Shaping the Struggle
f49"pTw7 HOYO-MiX - 靈與沙的密諭 Soothing of Soul and Sand
?}vzLgp M#OHY* 下載地址: W|ReLM\ S:ls[9G[3 https://katfile.com/gj7ud7lw8w5x +XEjXH5K 9>N\sOh 更多新專輯下載: https://katfile.com/users/yoyo89312 7p)N_cJ
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