本页主题: The Twang:Love It When I Feel Like This[Britpop] 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

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 The Twang:Love It When I Feel Like This[Britpop]

专辑名称:Love It When I Feel Like This qSj$0Hq5XI  
歌手姓名:The Twang Gp6|0:2,L~  
唱片公司:B-Unique !L5[s  
发行日期:July 7 2007 9H ~{2Un  
专辑流派:Britpop/Alternative Rock >we/#C"x  
专辑介绍: ~i&Lc7Xl  
Hugely anticipated 2007 debut album from the Britpopsters. Recorded with long term producer Gavin Monahan at his Magic Garden Studios in Wolverhampton and mixed by Mark ‘Spike’ Stent at Olympic Studios. The Twang are a gang but they’re a hardworking gang, they’re from the normal life lived in towns and cities across the country but they want more and they are getting it. Most importantly, they’ve achieved their initial goal; to make this record and document the world as they see it, the world as they, and their friends (who are a huge part of this story and this album), live it. They are the most talked about band of this year but they are also one of the brightest hopes to emerge from the UK in years. 12 tracks including the singles 'Wide Awake' and 'Either Way'. B-Unique. Q=hf,/N  
曲目列表: !wl3}]q  
1. Ice Cream Sundae n~/#~VTVe  
2. Wide Awake x@EEMO1_"  
3. Neighbour Epm'u[wV  
4. Either Way (Explicit Version) GdN'G  
5. Push The Ghosts 0q%=Vs~@g  
6. Reap What You Sow <fY<.X  
7. Loosely Dancing /?b<}am  
8. 2 Lovers $ohg?B ;  
9. Don't Wait Up >j]*=&,7  
10. Got Me Sussed oL'  :07_  
11. Cloudy Room
顶端 Posted: 2007-06-12 13:28 | [楼 主]
级别: 普通人



thanks you supports you
顶端 Posted: 2007-06-12 15:40 | 1 楼
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