^O+ (eA7E n8F5z|/ 专辑名称:Ola Podrida
*QiQ,~Ep 歌手姓名:Ola Podrida
S$Zi{bU`G 唱片公司:Plug Research
\z0HHCn'" 发行日期:April 24, 2007
9)'f)60^ 专辑流派:Indie Pop/Folk
m!%aB{e }/vW"&h- 专辑介绍:
sNo8o1Hby ySmbX As the composer behind the scores for David Gordon Green's films (George Washington, All the Real Girls), David Wingo framed the onscreen images with beautiful, complementary arrangements, hitting all the right emotional notes. This background in scoring shines through in his solo project Ola Podrida. Layers of guitars, keyboards and sculpted sound samples wash over you, while Wingo's detailed lyrics create vibrant scenes. Get ready to feel giddy about a piece of music again.
ET1Er{4 %k1Pyv;] 曲目列表:
z.SC^/\o| 6ABK)m-y 1. The New Science
_i+@HXR & 2. Jordanna
qiOJ:'@ 3. Instead
\$wkr 4. Cindy
0Z8"f_GK 5. Photo Booth
c3 6. Run Off the Road
^HJ?k:u 7. Day at the Beach
]c7X~y 8. Lost and Found
<R /\nY Xz 9. A Clouded View
R03 Te gwA 10. Pour Me Another
~.%HZzR6& 11. Eastbound