e:#c\Ay+ V~([{ 专辑名称:Santi
JL.noV3q$ 歌手姓名:The Academy Is...
(r78AZ 唱片公司:Atlantic / Wea
LX5, _`B 发行日期:April 3, 2007
'@t}8J 专辑流派:Rock
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-l,[ 专辑介绍:
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qjq After reading several reviews of Santi, I was rather skeptical about the quality of the album. I mean Almost Here was such an amazingly good cd that I thought it would be near impossible to top. However after purchasing and listening to the cd about 20 times my mine has been thorougly changed. However it is a much different Academy Is... than in Almost Here. Their sound has evolved from a more poppy sound to a little bit harder and edgier. Overall it is an excellent evolution because Santi is an excellent album.
%\<SSp^n y(!J8(yA 曲目列表:
zI1-l9 o `0'Bg2' 1.Same Blood
Twl>Pn> 2.LAX To O'Hare
e!BablG[ 3.We've Got A Big Mess On Our Hands
]w*w@:Zk 4.Sleeping With Giants (Lifetime)
5.Everything We Had
d'y\~M9( 6.Bulls In Brooklyn
OZ2YflT 7.Neighbors
L!2BE[~ 8.Seed
g<d#zzP"T 9.Chop Chop
lyZ[tP S 10.You Might Have Noticed
?2LRMh")$ 11.Unexpected Places