ytKh[Uo 5fA<I _ D 【英语抒情】Mandy Moore(曼迪·摩尔)-Walk Me Home(TVB电视剧《珠光宝气》插曲@CD Version)[好正~~~优美嘅旋律~~推荐!!!] p,Qr9p3y 2
D>WIOX 5ZSV)$t AK} wSXF D:/^TEib I_oJx 歌曲:Walk Me Home(TVB电视剧《珠光宝气》插曲) 6DD"Asi+
歌手:曼迪·摩尔(Mandy Moore) @GK0j"
专辑:TVB电视剧《珠光宝气》原声带 C%9;~S
公司:香港无线TVB yL7D;<!S&
语言:粤语 Ux2(Oph
时间:2008.10.22 )xy1DA
介绍:聚集一半TVB当家花旦和小生的时装情仇电视剧“珠光宝气”热播中,插曲“Walk Me Home”选自曼迪·摩尔(Mandy Moore)的2000发行的专辑“I Wanna Be With You”,【忌廉棉花糖】推荐。 z}&?^YU*)`
Walk Me Home(TVB电视剧《珠光宝气》插曲)歌词: gu7mGHn-
Walk me home QX1QYwcm G
I don't wanna go all the way alone :GBWQXb G
Baby would you walk with me home */;[ -9
Baby would you take my hand wt0^R<28
Come with me now to our special land, CkKr@. dV
Baby would you walk with me home? 1JMEniB+9
Home... a{v1[i\
/g BB
It's 3 a.m., q|;_G#4
and you're on my mind once again DK;p6_tT
I must've been dreamin... =ZR9zL=h
Thought I felt your heartbeat just then ViIt'WX
Then I wondered how it would be 7=(rk
If I was your lady * $~H=4t
And you were my friend [DpGL/Y.
I would put my heart in your hands RY3ANEu+
And it would never end... #Drs=7w
Baby would you walk me home =NMT H[
I don't wanna go all the way alone VJmX@zX9
Baby would you walk with me home YNyaz\L
Baby would you take my hand
Come with me now to our special land C8 9c2
Baby would you walk with me home 5 0uYU[W
Home...home... KJ M:-z@
I hold your picture, next to my heart, ()a(PvEO
all the time. 5N<f\W,
Aw, ya baby. KE! aa&g
You're my dream come true, 3omFd#EP
So glad your mine 7N9~nEU
And I wondered how it would be #-*7<wN
If I was your lady onL&lE
And you were my friend F9@,T8I
I would put my heart in your hands 2[6>h)
And it woud never end ky>0
Baby would you walk me home ,WSK
I don't wanna go all the way alone ilJeI@
Baby would you walk with me home d*Q:[RUf,
Baby would you take my hand B7BXS*_b
Come with me now to our special land R1OC7q
Baby would you walk with me home XHU&ix{Od
Every day and night I wanna hold you |`d,r.+P7
(Hold you) NsDJq{
Understand that I am gonna love you \9k$pC+l
In my own special way m} /L MY
Baby would you walk me home Au3>=x`
I don't wanna go all the way alone pie<jZt
Baby would you walk with me home DY1?37h
Baby would you take my hand Hbwjs?Vq?]
Come with me now to our special land AKs=2N>7
Baby would you walk with me home
Baby would you walk me home uis;S)+
I don't wanna go all the way alone jusP
Baby would you walk with me home *AX)QKQ@
E/ %S0
Home...Home...won't you walk with me home Zkl:^!*
Walk_Me_Home歌词由【忌廉棉花糖】收集整理! ER,,K._?B 'A@[a_ 5c6CH k`: 5"(AqXoq SjgF&LD 因多次访问后网盘会导致断Link 嘅关系, R7aS{8n
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[ 此贴被忌廉棉花糖在2009-02-15 22:36重新编辑 ]