[原創] TVB Human Trafficking 人間蒸發 01-04完 英粵繁雙語 RMVB "0606更新種子
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[原創]已苦,証明也煩,ii@BT精神.襟 C
[4{\3\Va *h <_gn [節目名稱] Human Trafficking 人間蒸發
6E9 [ 類 型 ] 電視連續劇
V:YN! [語音文字] 英粵繁 雙語
@Rc/^B: [ 格 式 ] TVmpgII to RMVB
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-2D/RE7| [檔案大小] 每集230MB
CXAW>VdK_ &d%0[Ui` 美國政府資料顯示每年約有八十萬失蹤人口被販賣到其他國家,而販賣人口集團從這些不法活動所得來的利益足足超過九十五億美元,情況令人擔心。
d ynq)lf )\`.Ru~, 《人間蒸發》第一集講述十六歲的烏克蘭女孩Nadia一心以爲能夠透過模特兒公司的選拔賽前往美國一嚐其明星夢,但到達美國後才發現原來事實的真相是她們被人出賣被逼參與賣淫活動。原來犯罪分子利用這些女孩子的虛榮心設局引她們自投羅網。而另一位美籍少女Annie在一次與家人在馬尼拉旅遊時遭人綁架。而美國移民局的調查員Kate Morozov則被派往調查這些販賣人口案件務求把壞人繩之於法。
.eNeqC >TKl`O Disenfranchised by economic catastrophe and the fall of a nation, they are the emotionally destitute women and children left behind. They are young, vulnerable, and prey. The underworld calls them human traffic…and to the underworld, they are a desirable commodity in a billion dollar industry where human beings are bought and sold.
?KB+2]7m6 uG\ @e'pr In the Ukraine, sixteen-year-old Nadia once an aspiring ballet dancer dreams of a better life in the West—much to the dismay of her conservative father, Viktor. When Nadia is seduced by the promises of a modeling agency, she runs away from home toward her dream, and disappears. In Southeast Asia, the vacation of middle-class American couple turns into a nightmare when their twelve-year-old daughter, Annie, is kidnapped—not for ransom, but for something more sinister. Into the darkness of a brothel, Annie disappears. In Prague, Helena, a struggling single mother is swept off her feet by the advances of a wealthy businessman. But it's a trap as Helena realizes too late, and she too “disappears”. In Romania, an orphaned seventeen year old Katerina meets her adoring finance she found on the internet of a matchmaking agency and vanishes, following Nadia and Helena and the tens of thousands like them into an existence of unmatched misery and abuse. The horrific destiny of each victim is tied to an underground ring trafficking in the sex slave trade. But as the underworld tracks their victims, the underworld too is being tracked.
[ 此贴被ii在2006-07-25 00:12重新编辑过 ]