7+! 鬼才王晶與霍耀良繼《赤裸特工》後又一新作,《鬼眼刑警》是一齣驚慄喜劇,當中所指的「鬼眼」即是中國人稱之「陰陽眼」。《鎗王》型男小生方中信飾演膽怯刑警SEVEN,一天他得知自己得了姨母(羅蘭飾)的遺傳,讓他看得見鬼世界,更令他陷入被他殺死的罪犯殺人王由閻王地獄,重返人間報仇!此時,差館同僚炳叔 (元華飾) 唯有幫SEVEN找來師父解咒,奈何此時化成厲鬼的殺人王女友 (張文慈飾) 同時出現,令局面更加錯綜複雜……
]ltCJq 《鬼眼刑警》有《甜絲絲》DJ森美、《幽靈人間 II : 鬼味人間》谷祖琳、《黑白森林》梁敏儀坐鎮,而王晶父親王天林亦有份參演,演出驅鬼師父。
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JN^[X 《鬼眼刑警 (香港版)》內容簡介
3?B1oIHQ 5&8BO1V. 導演︰王晶
J920A^)j! Director: Wong Jing
wG)e8,# |X=p`iz1& 富商曹近南妻子被匪徒殺人王綁票,SEVEN與抽水強被指派接手此案。兩幫人在天台相遇,發生槍戰,殺人王中彈傷重不治,但臨死誓言死後必變惡鬼報仇。SEVEN與抽水強被派去最老歷史的七號差館。老差骨喃嘸炳是全港所有差館的非官方靈異顧問。炳叔請來師父老人家樵伯,與殺人王談判,可惜殺人王不領情,聲言要SEVEN、強、炳三人死無葬身之地...
:\~>7VFg oSrA4g Seven was a homicide cop working on a kidnap case which involved The Hatchet Man and his gang. Seven shot and killed The Hatchet Man, and The Hatchet Man swore that he would turn into the most fearsome evil spirit and avenge his death. Meanwhile, little does Seven knows that he inherited his family trait of the ""ghost eyes"" which enabled him to see ghosts and spirits. Seven and his partner Keung were then transferred to precinct No 7, the oldest police station in HK. After 7 days, The Hatchet Man, who was transformed into an evil spirit, attacked the police station and all hell breaks loose.