新闻来源:驱动之家 _qwKFC
'o41)p 暴雪日前演示的《星际争霸2》虫族登场预告片终于有了官方720P高清版本,同时还放出了刺蛇和飞龙的作战视频。虫族预告片长2分24秒,分辨率1280×720,在激烈的战争场面和充满气势的音乐中,以君临天下、不可一世的口气,宣告了虫族的回归,并展示了二代游 戏中的一些新单位,诸如Overseer(原Overlord)、Roach、Infestor、Corrupter、Swarm Guardian、Ultralisk等等。 iOk^RDG+ >;I$& 附视频旁白原文: \!D <u'n t@dv$W2
" We are the swarm. p2Yc:9r9+A t;g=@o9YA We burned a path of annihilation across the stars. <49Gsm&0 ?86q8E3;& And then, we vanished. A"Q6GM2;Io LDilrG) Four years ago we faded into the shadows. aYc*v5QN3 RJ+i~;- We thrived. N,N9K BWRM
gN'. We evolved. 4H@:| $mfZ{ Now, the time has come for us to step back ... into ... the light. `a*_b9 7OSk0%Q, Now, worlds will tremble once again. T \d-r#{ [Aqy%mbG Empires will fall. RE~9L5i5 Z]U"i 1lA Alliances will shatter. T \Zf`.mt |^: A,%> We are the swarm. S3Q^K.e? PL*Mz(&bf But we are becoming ... much... much more. tCZ3n c;X8:Z=ja For the final metamorphasis, has only just begun.