本页主题: Life In Your Way《Waking Giants》[VBRkbps][56M][F] 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 强的不是人


 Life In Your Way《Waking Giants》[VBRkbps][56M][F]

专辑名称:Waking Giants ?LJ$: u  
歌手姓名:Life In Your Way l{b<rUh5W  
唱片公司:Solid State .OhpItn  
发行日期:March 6, 2007 \H<gKZquR  
专辑流派:Hardcore W\]bh'(  
@z $,KUH  
专辑介绍: GX2aV6}  
Before I had received this album to review I had already added it to my list of CDs that I needed to purchase. I had seen a full page ad in the latest AP andlistened to a few tracks on their PureVolume site and after one listen, knew I needed to own all of their discs. The following week, I received their SolidState debut to review. To say I was pleased would be an understatement. #I> c$dd  
So what is Life in Your Way? Waking Giants makes it's statement with the opener, ""Reach the End"" which fuses all of the best elements of the screamo genre and, in particular, the SolidState label: Aggressive riffing, atmospheric leads and excellent clean vocals! All of the songs seem to have a quiet dignity about them, moving in and out of melody and chaos with ease. The clean complimenting the guttural screams wonderfully while the always atmospheric and moving leads dance seamlessly underneath the vocals. The album, as a whole, doesn't display the diversity that Failure On does, but it's powerful in its incessant attack in the Beloved(us) way. LiYW also use the spoken word section that a few bands such as Shai Hulud and Poison the Well made popular in k3[rO}>s  
the late 90's, early 2000's. 6oTWW@  
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For highlights of the album, listen to the middle section of "We Don't Believe." The pleading vocals that go against a building backdrop until it crescendos into an explosion of emotion and pleading. The song sums up the album: Powerful and reflective. 3V=(P.ATm  
曲目列表: Mdk(FG(  
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01. Reach To The End M)v\7a  
02. Worthwhile NUxOU>f  
03. We Don't Believe /V'^$enK!}  
04. Making Waves U@t" o3E  
05. The Shame $DPMi9,7^  
06. Salty Grave s|er+-'  
07. Help! The Arm Of The Mighty qHwHP  1  
08. Threads Of Sincerity EY3x o-H  
09. The Beauty Of Grace 'I$-h<W  
10. Judas SCwAAE9s]  
11. Beneath It All
顶端 Posted: 2007-05-01 15:35 | [楼 主]
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