prN+{N8YC sH;_U)ssH 专辑名称:Tomi (Advance)
eh<mJL%T 歌手姓名:Tomi
|k90aQO 唱片公司:Rose Hip Records
85H\v_[ 发行日期:October 2, 2007
tkcs6uy 专辑流派:R&B
znTi_S 推荐指数:★★★☆
]#^v754X^T 8$A0q%n <A8>To< 专辑简介:
e9RYk:O Sk>=C0f: “Love is the only thing to live for – it’s one of the main reasons I’m inspired to write songs,” declares singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, TOMI. “I feel it’s the medicine for everyone’s pain. And you can hear a lot of love and pain in these songs.”
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