m;MJ{"@A' ,p#B5Dif/ 专辑名称:Connoisseur of Ruin
歌手姓名:The Harlots
$8%"bR;Hu 唱片公司:Msi Music
M\{\WyeX 发行日期:Sep 11, 2006
ftR& 5!Wm 专辑流派:Rock
P~=yTW 推荐指数:★★★★
xUsL{24 Mh5
hD 专辑介绍:
WGUw`sc\ Bps%>P~. A four-piece rock band from Winnipeg, a city of about 700,000 in the middle of the Canadian Prairies. Their sound is straight-up and generally melodic, despite vestigial influences of metal and punk-pop.
V@#oQi* aXJ/"k #Tl 曲目列表:
e7xBi!I)~ k)S1Z s~G 01. Magistrate
~ a`[p\ 02. Slaves
9|Jv>Ur=)2 03. Connoisseur of Ruin
<;PKec 04. Tired and Twisted
iKJqMES 05. Oceans of the Emotionless
5 k3m"* 06. Solace
GhM>G 07. Bluejay
'A7!@hVy 08. Laugh Track
j0; ~2W#G* 09. Separated Generation
s~A-qG> 10. It Falls Apart