DW#% 专辑名称:Connoisseur of Ruin
<y.]ImO 歌手姓名:The Harlots
zi@]83SS# 唱片公司:Msi Music
+]Zva:$#` 发行日期:Sep 11, 2006
Z<?OwAWz 专辑流派:Rock
L{-LX=G^ 推荐指数:★★★★
u\yVR$pQ Fh$slow4! 专辑介绍:
c2nKPEX&5 942lSyix A four-piece rock band from Winnipeg, a city of about 700,000 in the middle of the Canadian Prairies. Their sound is straight-up and generally melodic, despite vestigial influences of metal and punk-pop.
/> >$WQxbwM( 曲目列表:
e'%v1-&sP ^TY;Zp 01. Magistrate
>Gml4vGK 02. Slaves
%EbPI)yY3 03. Connoisseur of Ruin
w8S!%abl1 04. Tired and Twisted
tJViA`@x 05. Oceans of the Emotionless
uo%P+om_} 06. Solace
r0;:t 07. Bluejay
b?X.U}62_ 08. Laugh Track
Rhc-q|Lz8 09. Separated Generation
4`m~FNVS 10. It Falls Apart