\zw0*;&U 7OG=LF*V- 专辑名称:Dark On Fire
*<#jr 歌手姓名:Turin Brakes
#.UooFk+Y 唱片公司:EMI
| Uf6k` 发行日期:Sep. 17, 2007
y!;rY1 专辑流派:Britpop/ Indie
$R%xeih1fz 推荐指数:★★★★
2Otd <Vm+Lt9 专辑介绍:
o+l ttuQ,SD Acoustic music has become a bit of a byword for fey folkies singing the sort of slight pastoral tales that sound like they might blow away in a stiff wind, but on Dark on Fire, Turin Brakes-–the South London duo of Olly Knights and Gale Paridjanian-–confirm once again that they do this unplugged thing with rather more gumption. Turin Brakes’ trade is rugged duets with the gruff vocal muscle of a Paul Weller or Kelly Jones and a heavy lyrical slant towards nature, celestial bodies and manly matters of the heart (it takes a blokeish sort of band to call the most emotional song on their album "Something in My Eye"). While it’s true that twin acoustic guitars remain at the heart of Turin Brakes’ sound, much here is fleshed out with added instrumentation: "Last Chance" gradually builds on a tide of synthesiser and tumbling piano, while "Stalker", with its driving bass and shimmering guitar licks, has something of the gothic 80s sound to it. It’s an inflated sound, however, that is careful not to overwhelm Dark on Fire’s more intimate modes of communication; take the moment on "Other Side" where the instruments suddenly drop away and emotions are suddenly laid bare: "I wanna be an old man," they sing, "With a suntan and a watering can".
kMAQHpDD +^YXqOXU 曲目列表:
c_<m8b{AEF 01. Last Chance
PuqT&|wP l 02. Ghost
ByoSwQ 03. Something In My Eye
QpwOrxI} 04. Stalker
{$)zC*l 05. Other Side
q3adhY9|)0 06. Dark On Fire
O&Q_vY 07. Real Life
FA<|V!a 08. For The Fire
+',[q 09. Timewaster
(] 10. Bye Pod
Uc%(#I]Mi 11. Here Comes The Moon
b26#0;i 12. New Star