vGST{Lz; GJeP~ 专辑名称:You've Dug Your Grave, Now Lie In It(Proper)
~R+,4 歌手姓名:Kenotia
|mS-<e8LY4 唱片公司:Sumerian Records
Zyry3* 发行日期:2007年10月30日
CW+] Jv]" 专辑流派:Rock
$eSSW+8q" 推荐指数:★★★★
_G62E$= cOa){&u rYn)E=FG/ 专辑简介:
+m>)q4e s^vw]D l.iT+
T The debut from Kenotia is filled with memorable pop songs laced with hooks, verses and harmonies that will make your neck hairs stand up. Features 9 tracks including "Until This Day."
jl)7Jd !yQ%^g` PS:新团新姿态,女主唱还是比较有意思滴,玩的风格界于流行摇滚、流行庞克加EMO之间~~
9!>Ks8'.d Y<WA-dYoF 曲目列表:
uH.1'bR?a f_m~_`m 01 - Lonewolf Mcquade
g^mnYg5 02 - You've Dug Your Grave, Now Lie In It
EvJ<X,Bo 03 - Decorating For Cinco De Mayo
j8cXv 04 - Until This Day
Z;"YUu[( 05 - They Almost Got Me!
Hl*V i3bQU 06 - 86 Seconds Later...
#-<n@qNg[ 07 - Snowman What's Your 20?
(UN 08 - The Sun's Up, But You're Down
-TT{4\%s 09 - The Day Dixie Crumbled