本页主题: [Bon Iver][For Emma Forever Ago][Folk][157kbps avg][42M][F] 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

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 [Bon Iver][For Emma Forever Ago][Folk][157kbps avg][42M][F]

au: fw  
本站所有音乐均网上搜集仅做宽带测试,任何涉及商业盈利目的均不得使用否则后果自负!请下载后立即删除。全部歌曲的所有权均归其唱片公司或歌手所有。请购买正版支持你的偶像! (nf~x  
专辑名称:For Emma Forever Ago }fb#G<3  
歌手姓名:Bon Iver -p]1=@A<}  
唱片公司:Jagjaguwar ;f#v0W`5  
发行日期:2008年02月19日 J}v}~Cv  
专辑流派:Folk gOSJM1Mr3  
推荐指数:★★★★ 3@dL /x4A  
n<O}hM ZT  
专辑介绍: 6-$jkto  
The biographical details behind the creation of an album shouldn't matter when it comes to a listener's enjoyment, but For Emma, Forever Ago, Justin Vernon's debut as Bon Iver, exudes such a strong sense of loneliness and remoteness that J;.wXS_U8  
you might infer some tragedy behind it. So, to skirt the rumor mill, here are the particulars, as much or as little as they might apply: In 2005, Vernon's former band DeYarmond Edison moved from Eau Claire, Wisconsin, to North Carolina. As the band developed and matured in its new home, the members' artistic interests diverged and eventually the group disbanded. While his cW@Zd5&0S  
bandmates formed Megafaun, Vernon-- who had worked with the Rosebuds and Ticonderoga-- returned to Wisconsin, where he sequestered himself in a remote cabin for four snowy months. During that time, he wrote and recorded most of the songs that would eventually become For Emma, Forever Ago. 1w@(5 ^V  
曲目列表: J?? -j  
1. Flume ;z}i-cNae  
2. Lump Sum hI]Hp3S  
3. Skinny Love 9g'LkP  
4. Wolves (Act I and II) )dbB =OZ  
5. Blindsided RJ  8+h  
6. Creature Fear f$e[u E r  
7. Team #U! _U+K  
8. For Emma ,(d) Qg  
9. Re: Stacks
附件: bon iver-for emma forever ago.torrent (12 K) 下载次数:0 [种子详情]

顶端 Posted: 2008-02-07 15:14 | [楼 主]
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