BBaHMsr }xpe 专辑名称:Break Up the Concrete
|:`?A3^m# 歌手姓名:The Pretenders
UMnR=~. 唱片公司:Shangri-La Music
w*]_FqE 发行日期:2008年10月7日
WV9[DFU 专辑流派:Rock
2gK p\! 推荐指数:4星
Gl3 `e&7 B8P@D"u 专辑介绍:
3|z;K,`Fw _R>s5|_ Think of this long awaited studio album as if it were the first Pretenders record: musical turf that's defined by attitude, lyrical and melodic mastery, and the unexpected...and Chrissie Hynde's voice as you've always known it. "Break Up The Concrete" is an authentic slice of rock Americana, ranging from blistering punk to the most delicate storytelling as told by the queen of rock royalty herself.
mP`,I"u 6|>"0[4S 对来自俄亥俄州的奇女子Chrissie Hynde来说,叛逆就是一种坚持,难以驯服的摇滚态度,当个反皮衣服饰的行动派,作个追求自然的素食主义者。Chrissie在肯特州立大学唸了三年,就在74年隻身前往伦敦追逐摇滚生活,以帮NME杂誌撰写乐评起头,週游法、美、英等国玩团,76年原本打算邀The Clash乐团的Mike Jones组团,78年,Chrissie与贝斯手Pete Farndon、吉他手James Honeyman-Scott、鼓手Martin Chambers组成The Pretenders,79年以一首The Kinks乐团团员Ray Davis所写的"Stop Your Sobbing"闯进英国金榜前30名,接着以"Kid"乘胜追击,巡迴演唱处处都是爆满人潮。80年首张专辑「The Pretenders」,Chrissie不加修饰的刚强情感嗓音正式引爆风潮,专辑坐上英国榜第9,单曲"Brass In Pocket"勇冠英国金榜冠军,"Talk Of The Town"拿下top10,就在80年,The Pretenders的绽放的新摇滚神采席捲美国。
ur,V>J<5A ^MF=,U'8 >?:i6&4o 曲目列表:
+'{:zN5m [U+<uZzOC 1. Boots Of Chinese Plastic
v=8~ZDY 2. The Nothing Maker
x<)!$cg 3. Don't Lose Faith In Me
=jX 4. Don't Cut Your Hair
z^SN#v$ 5. Love's A Mystery
K~9 jin 6. The Last Ride
1{Sx V 7. Almost Perfect
g/J^K*3] 8. You Didn't Have To
1bFEx_ 9. Rosalee
l.Lc]ZpB 10.Break Up The Concrete
-&HoR!af 11.One Thing Never Changed