終極忍者 (香港版) [MDF/969M]
忍者侵襲香港!多產香港電影人邱禮濤夥拍棟篤才子黃子華、《功夫》星女郎黃聖依合演一部集合搞笑、科幻及動作於一身的忍者電影《終極忍者》!故事是有關甲賀及伊賀兩大派別的日本忍者,以及由李子雄飾演的野心家為了奪得人類的夢想「赤盒」而連番惡鬥;與此同時,黃子華飾的音樂家高比卻無辜地趺入了擁有打開「赤盒」之能力圈套,究竟身為伊賀派愛徒小靈(黃聖依飾)保護高比,免落入壞人手上﹖最終鹿死誰手,得到「赤盒」﹖ P
D4Tz!F 《終極忍者》雲集中、港、日三地的演員助陣,除了黃子華、黃聖依及李子雄外,《雙子》、《富江復仇》女星白田久子、《武勇傳》男星魔娑斗及港星高雄主演。 #btLa\HJ 0?sRDYaX;c 產品資料 _\=`6`b) uC.K<jD%
產品名稱 : 終極忍者 (香港版) - *F(7$ 藝人名稱 : 黃子華 | 黃聖依 | 高雄 )64@2~4y 出版日期 : 2007年1月12日 (立即預購!) 5>VY LI 語言 : 國語, 粵語 Hip&8NW 字幕 : 繁體中文 @|LBn6q 重量(連包裝) : 120 g +$X#q8j06 出品商 : 樂貿 (HK) qL5{f(U4< 其他資料 : 2VCDs "nm FzN
驗證碼 :8c98aa0b2e87ee2dd03bea249942266d7ff5b374 dX\.t< m1n.g4Z&* 3:5 &Aa! 《終極忍者 (香港版)》內容簡介 )v]/B+ nM\eDNK 導演:邱禮濤 ii%+jdi. Director: Herman Yau 6
UevpDB z?>D_NLX6 野心家白賴仁(李子雄 飾)為了實現控制人類的夢想,派出手下甲賀忍者領袖虎大介追殺菊池博士,成功搶走了他身上的“赤盒”——一個收藏著菊池發明,可以抵抗任何病毒的藥苗“人類”之小盒子! h tx;8: {D!6%`HKV+ 菊池死後,白賴仁才發現世上只有一個叫高比(黃子華 飾)的潦倒音樂家才擁有打開“赤盒”之能力,遂派虎大介生擒高比,另一方面,菊池徒弟伊賀女忍者香也發誓要完成師傅遺願---“殺高比”,而另一邊,伊賀派芭蕉先生卻派愛徒小靈(黃聖依 飾)保護高比,免落入壞人手上。 mK[)mC
_8 \(VTt|}By$ In order to achieve the dream of controlling the Man kind, the ruthlessly ambitious Brian sent his follower Tora-Daisuke to kill Dr. Kikuchi. He successfully took Dr. Kikuchi's Crimson Box - a box that hold Kikuchi's invention, a medical seeding called "Jinrui" that could combat any viruses. uMut=ja(U ^F2b
hXE However, Brian then discovered that only Copy, a disheartened musician, could have the ability to open the box, therefore, Brian sent Tora-Daisuke to capture Copy alive! On the other hand, Dr. Kikuchi's pupil Hibiki, has sworn to complete her Master's will - "kill Copy"! Somehow, Master Basho of the Iga Ninjas has sent his beloved pupil Xiao Ling to protect Copy. All three parties met and started a fierce battle. Hibiki and Tora-Daisuke have loved each other ever since they were kids, but due to the conflict between the sects, they could not be together. klQC2drS HODz*pI Copy was being detained at Brian's headquarter, Xiao Ling and Hibiki killed their way into Brian's headquarter, after a serious fight... who was the winner at last?