QT}iaeC1i NhlJ3/J j ◆中文片名:
公平竞争 pI^=B-7 ◆英文片名:Fair
ZQLB`n@ Play
&wGg6$ ◆年 代:2006
g\J)= ,ju, ◆国家地区:法国
w|G~Il ◆类 别:惊悚
XJ,>Lv ◆导 演:Lionel Bailliu
s>J3\PC ◆主 演:Eric
$6x=uZ Savin .... Charles
$~o3}&az Beno?t Magimel .... Jean-Claude
7,su f }= Marion
BD4"pcr Cotillard .... Nicole
TQ~&Y)". Jérémie Renier .... Alexandre
wz@/5c/u Mélanie
h9Z[z73_a Doutey .... Béatrice
bXm:]? Jean-Pierre Cassel .... édouard
0$?qoS Malcolm
FLEg0/m0 Conrath .... Bertrand
r'PE5xqF ◆IMDB评分:6.4/10 (61
{Ot[WF votes)
# ◆IMDB链接:
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0454602 % IPyCEJD ◆片??长:94分钟
_we3jzMW ◆语 言:法语
7j95"mI ◆字 幕:
中文字幕 'H
FwP\HX ◆压缩格式:
DVD-RMVB "1\(ZKG8^Q ◆文件大小:368MB
XuA0.b% ◆影片简介:
ScsWnZ 0.3^ ??This is the
w# xncH:1 longer version of short film Squash (2002) by same director Lionel Bailiu. The
c;nx59w]q opening scene of the feature reproduces the entirety of the short, but with
pEJ#ad different actors (Malcolm Conrath and Eric Savin for the short, Jérémie Rénier
/1H9z`qV and Eric Savin for the
tsFS~ feature)
]9dx3<2_I -----------------------------------------------------------------
P~n8EO1r ◆影片截图: sf<Q#ieTxY k q/t]%( b"`ru~] Q|6Ls$'$ Cca~Cq[%*( 6yy|V~5 7AS.)Q#=x >SY2LmV'a 1kbT@