^7V9\Q9 ?E=&LAI# 专辑名称:Love is Wicked
mS6L6)] S 歌手姓名:Brick and Lace
+if 唱片公司:Geffen Records
K>"M#T 发行日期:2007年11月11日
i` n,{{x&4 专辑流派:Pop
esWgYAc3{ 推荐指数:★★★★
B[ ^;!A`t 专辑介绍:
wqK>=Ri_ Part urban singers and part urbane songstresses, sibling duo brick & lace are genre busters who staunchly defy the 30 second pitch. The amalgamated sound that makes up their kon live/180 ent./geffen debut, 'love is wicked', is a unique blend of their opulent musical diet of reggae, r&b, hip hop and pop. Production credits on the album include will.i.am and akon.
[-=PK\ B !zVuO*+ 曲目列表:
Ay22-/C|@ 7JQ5OC3 01. Get that Clear
UXnd~DA 02. Never Never
%HpTQ 03. Don't Stop
fOF02WP^ 04. Take Me Back
SzMh}xDh2 05. Why'd You Lie?
H@.j@l 06. Love is Wicked
!Yz~HO,u+ 07. Boyfriend