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^tIs57! 专辑名称:Bleeding In A Box
rq Dre`m 歌手姓名:Bambix
E(*RtOC<W 唱片公司:Go-Kart Records Europe
I0.{OJ- 发行日期:2008年02月15日
_CDUUr 专辑流派:Punk Rock/Pop Punk
i5w 推荐指数:★★★★
p]:5S_$ _dVzvk`_R 专辑介绍:
7Wp; This certainly is the best album by certainly one of the best female fronted punkbands on this planet. Relentlessly touring the globe and winning new fans every day. "Bleeding In A Box" will set new standards and will almost certainly convince you, too.
| hu :o?On/ 曲目列表:
'@i/?rNi%N 01.Under the Moon
i]a 5cn 02.Bottle
qd(C%Wk 03.Mount Neverest
LJ`*&J 04.Tiny Tune
Zsc710_ 05.Leave Luke be
7RM$%'n\ 06.Bleeding in a Box
\"{+J 07.Dirtpath
s"?Z jV)` 08.Tyra Banks
Hly2{hokq 09.Easy come, Easy Go
DX l3 10.You and Me
@v\Osp t= 11.Viva Las Vegans
<xOXuve 12.Always
a` A V 13.To Not Do