新闻来源:驱动之家 .f-s+J&ED -9;XNp 暴雪日前演示的《星际争霸2》虫族登场预告片终于有了官方720P高清版本,同时还放出了刺蛇和飞龙的作战视频。虫族预告片长2分24秒,分辨率1280×720,在激烈的战争场面和充满气势的音乐中,以君临天下、不可一世的口气,宣告了虫族的回归,并展示了二代游 戏中的一些新单位,诸如Overseer(原Overlord)、Roach、Infestor、Corrupter、Swarm Guardian、Ultralisk等等。 E~
+g6YlT SQ-CdpT< 附视频旁白原文: =4#p|OZP l5FKw;=K}: We are the swarm. ]PQ6 em 1 Szv4 We burned a path of annihilation across the stars. Qb#iT}!p% [!Zyp`: And then, we vanished.
[^+_/ a[ yyEgm2 Four years ago we faded into the shadows. D]?yGI_ _<u>?
Qt We thrived. E_-g<Cw eOZ"kw"uHu We evolved. \pVNJy$`< $ Gs|Z$( Now, the time has come for us to step back ... into ... the light. pcNpr`
>l^[73,]L Now, worlds will tremble once again. WSqo\] ;4k/h/o1# Empires will fall. wxE'h~+ ~;vt{pk Alliances will shatter. IVs
o/! md;jj^8zj We are the swarm. 1s-=zs mbXW$E-&R2 But we are becoming ... much... much more. [z,6 K= 6r)B|~,OA For the final metamorphasis, has only just begun.