D\e8,,H [法国][喜剧][娜达丽][DVD-R/330M][中字][最新法国风情火辣情感喜剧片]
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- ^gFqRbuS ◎中文 名 娜达丽
Q~Z=(rP20 ◎片 名 Nathalie
:\=CRaA ◎国 家 法国/西班牙
vp.ZK[/` ◎类 别 喜剧/剧情
h;jIYxj ◎语 言 法语
◎字 幕 中文
; ◎分 级(台)辅导级(欧美)R-13
uB7 V?A ◎文件格式 DVDRip-rmvb
'KPASfC ◎视频尺寸 640*272
q}D ◎文件大小 366M
Dwl3Cj ◎片 长 102 Mins
>,DbNmi ◎导 演 Anne Fontaine
|^9BA-nA ◎主 演 范妮·阿尔当 Fanny Ardant .... Catherine
,()0'h}n 艾曼纽爱莉·比尔特 Emmanuelle Béart .... Nathalie/Marlène
V=1Bo~ 杰拉尔·德帕迪约 Gérard Depardieu .... Bernard
D^ Marie Adam .... La secrétaire médicale
z'`y,8Y1l Christian Aaron Boulogne .... L'homme d'un soir
AyL Serge Boutleroff .... L'agent immobilier
[=|jZVhT Idit Cebula .... Ghislaine
7 évelyne Dandry .... La patronne du bar
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Judith Magre .... La mère de Catherine
VAXT{s&4> Sophie No?l .... H?tesse du bar
F Rodolphe Pauly .... Le fils
`N5|Ho*C Macha Polikarpova .... Ingrid
U#1bp}y Marc Rioufol .... Homme couple de clients
J sEa23 Ida Techer .... Amie de Marlène
XQ*eP?OS{ P<K){V ◎简 介
HfLLlH<L`& Nathalie is the name a Parisian prostitute assumes for a special mission or "private investigation." She is engaged for this unusual, and secretive task by a professional, upper middle class wife who fears her husband is unfaithful to her. Nathalie has to seduce the clueless husband and regularly report all details of her relationship with him, including his most intimate sexual preferences in bed. Nathalie is stunning, charming and cunning. Can Nathalie and her reports to the mistrustful wife be trusted? Is the middle aged husband indeed unfaithful?
q5L51KP2 伯纳德(杰拉尔·德帕迪约饰)与凯瑟琳(芳妮·阿尔当饰)是一对生活在巴黎的普通中产阶级夫妇,他们有称心的职业,稳定的收入,还有大批的朋友,他们是人们眼中的模范夫妻。然而当伯纳德因为到法兰克福出差,而错过了自己的生日聚会后,凯瑟琳不但很失望,而且开始疑心伯纳德隐藏着什么秘密。在一次偶然偷听到伯纳德的手机之后,凯瑟琳更加确信自己的怀疑。凯瑟琳打算以用性的方式来报复.....