(new release!!!) beautiful liar - beyonce ft shakira
(Ay) xl@ (Ay) # 9ZO1\ (Ay)Nobody makes me a prey... I9cZZ`vs Oh, you don't say Beyonce UO>S2
u Oh, Is Sasha, Is Sasha (Hey) 4?7OP
t6 `]l[p+DO He said, Im worth it, his whim desire ~uO9>(?D (Yo se cosas que tu, nunca querrás saber) ?uE@C3 e He kissed me, his one and only /gLi(Uw (This) Beatiful Liar pW2-RHGJY ¿Cómo tu toleras eso sabiendo todo? }RkD7 ¿Por qué?, no sé kc"SUiy/ Why are we the ones who suffer Ktf lbI! Ahora dime, Io)@u~yz He Wont be the one to cry ]1KF3$n0
R<8!lQ4s Lets not kill the Karma =q*j".
< Lets not start a fight Bf6\KI< |