引用第3楼刘纹虎于2007-04-24 03:57 AM发表的: ['tY4$L( 因本人不懂英文,授权幸福代为联系
引用第7楼爱爱粤语于2007-04-25 09:21 AM发表的: M)J5;^ [" U really think so。。。Hahahahaha。。。
引用第7楼爱爱粤语于2007-04-25 20:21发表的: ^rB8? kt U really think so。。。Hahahahaha。。。
引用第9楼colinkfo于2007-04-25 04:07 PM发表的: 4a&RYx >:SHV W Xa[.3=bV? ^"E^zHM( I may not right, but it 's not funny too... 9p85Pv [M= zE*li`@ .......
引用第11楼colinkfo于26-04-2007 03:16 PM发表的: Txu/{M, In the past few days, I thinking to be a VIP because to have some special treatments (like downloading files from ftp). `Di{}/2 N2G{<>= But now, I decided to join as a VIP is because of Ms. 幸福. She is really showing her sincerity towards all my posted question. Can tell that 幸福 is trying very best to help a 新手 like me. >4TO=i llq<egZpm So, whether there are any benefits given to a VIP is no more my concerns now. Most important is to support canton8.com (especially Ms. 幸福). x}4q {P5$ .......
引用第12楼幸福瞬間于27-04-2007 03:32 AM发表的: -hV*EPQ/ Thank u so much for all ur support colinkfo~ C>~TI,5a3 xpI wrJO We will do our best to give u the best support as we could provide u in the forum~! AEuG v}# Hope that everyone will enjoy & have fun here with us in GDBT~!!
引用第13楼vincentco于2007-04-27 10:25发表的: _{Hj^}+$ S@ f9c [66!bM& I)W`sBL 为了大家能明白帖子内容,这是本人特此翻译11楼帖子的内容为中文! v]c6R-U T"}vAG( .O .......
引用第16楼colinkfo于27-04-2007 03:56 PM发表的: Y.ToIka{ yw3$2EW X< ; f x`IEU*z# 谢 谢 你, vincentco. 很 好 的 很 完 整 的 翻译. ~Ti'FhN TSWM |#u': .......
引用第17楼vincentco于2007-04-27 16:23发表的: E:}r5S)4 [knN:{ l j=aI9p &NoS=(s, hello colinkfo,你好!其实我也是打中文很慢的人,而且我和你一样不会粤语输入法,也和你一样是外国华人,更也是和你一样曾经接受过“幸福瞬间”小姐的细心指导,因为我也是和你一样是新人。 8'nVwb8I lXiKY@R# .......