引用第3楼刘纹虎于2007-04-24 03:57 AM发表的: lQIg0G/3 因本人不懂英文,授权幸福代为联系
引用第7楼爱爱粤语于2007-04-25 09:21 AM发表的: %O!xrA{ U really think so。。。Hahahahaha。。。
引用第7楼爱爱粤语于2007-04-25 20:21发表的: 4*o?2P$Q U really think so。。。Hahahahaha。。。
引用第9楼colinkfo于2007-04-25 04:07 PM发表的: =-r); d Og@{6> ~b X~_\ '/X]96Ci7 I may not right, but it 's not funny too... 5a@9PX^.J I S'Uuuz7g .......
引用第11楼colinkfo于26-04-2007 03:16 PM发表的: %6ckau1_; In the past few days, I thinking to be a VIP because to have some special treatments (like downloading files from ftp). DLwlA!z HoB x0N9\2 But now, I decided to join as a VIP is because of Ms. 幸福. She is really showing her sincerity towards all my posted question. Can tell that 幸福 is trying very best to help a 新手 like me. XT0-"-q pbzt8 P[ So, whether there are any benefits given to a VIP is no more my concerns now. Most important is to support canton8.com (especially Ms. 幸福). /X8a3Eqp9 .......
引用第12楼幸福瞬間于27-04-2007 03:32 AM发表的: \,v^v]| Thank u so much for all ur support colinkfo~ .0nT*LF [,&g46x22 We will do our best to give u the best support as we could provide u in the forum~! ^uX"04>; Hope that everyone will enjoy & have fun here with us in GDBT~!!
引用第13楼vincentco于2007-04-27 10:25发表的: ' ]Km%uwL 'u[cT$ =c[mch%E ?!34qh 为了大家能明白帖子内容,这是本人特此翻译11楼帖子的内容为中文! L'BzefU;04 |qk%UN< .......