Jordan Pruitt《No Ordinary Girl》[MP3/192K/62M]
专辑名称:No Ordinary Girl FR"^?z?}p 歌手组合:Jordan Pruitt Q6>( Z 发行公司:Hollywood Records XS/TYdXB8 发行时间:2007.02.06 <2d@\"AoHE 专辑类型:Pop "ukbqdKD 专辑介绍: u)pBFs
<dn 每隔一段漫长的时间就会有个年轻的歌手凭借叫人折服的才华,闪亮在美国最瞩目的流行音乐聚光灯下。乔丹普瑞特就是这样一位少有的天才。 o#6}?g. 生长在Loganville, Georgia的乔丹,有着天生禀赋,超凡的嗓音,特别的声线和娇好的容貌,这些都让这位15岁的新星获得了一大堆不俗的成绩。 itvdzPO 乔丹从4岁开始在公开场合唱歌。她总站在成千上万的观众前面。她在乔治亚州著名的奥林匹克世纪公园、石山、六旗以及福克斯剧院开唱,吸引了众多乐迷。最近,乔丹在洛杉矶和Aly、AJ一起参加迪斯尼联合举办的2006 Youth Marketing大会的演出。 l si8?91 必然的,乔丹终有一天会被音乐界发现。这一天终于来临,当凯斯托马斯听到乔丹在乔治亚亚特兰大的样带后,打了个电话给乔丹让她到田纳西弗兰克林的录音棚试音。他们的会晤,以及乔丹在录音棚的出色演唱使得乔丹很快签约Levosia Entertainment, LLC SbivW5|61 所以,我们并不奇怪,乔丹现在加盟了好莱坞唱片这支优秀的队伍,而且签下一个大单成为了迪斯尼新近最有前途的歌手。 :[3\jLrc Jordan Pruitt is a monumentally talented singer/songwriter with a maturity far beyond her 15 years. As her Hollywood Records debut CD No Ordinary Girl shows, Jordan has the chops to command the youth audience of today and for many tomorrows to come. No Ordinary Girl hits stores February 6th. Produced by Keith Thomas (Nick Lachey, Whitney Houston, Amy Grant),the new CD was co-written largely by Jordan, and naturally reflects the world as seen through a bright-eyed fun-loving teen. Yet, true P s
;:g0 artist that she is, Jordan manages to bring out the universal in every song. Jordan Pruitt is currently opening for the cast of High School Musical on their nationwide tour. w[-Bsf
PS:又一不错的新人! !6C d.fpWL 专辑曲目: XU7bWafy 01. No Ordinary Girl v g]&T 02. Miss Popularity p.|;
k%c7 03. Over It A?zW!' 04. Teenager FoQk 05. Outside Looking In 9n7d
"XD2 06. We Are Family (C%'I 07. Waiting for You wBET.l'd 08. Jump to the Rhythm p3' +"sFU 09. My Reality 8>9+w/DL 10. Who Like You 3>6o=7/PU 11. Later "Wp<^s sMo 12. When I Pretend